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Explore and exploit moons within a storied verse
Disclaimer: LithoBreak is active development, so some features mentioned are not fully implemented
In a universe rich in lore and intrigue, LithoBreak challenges players with a blend of resource management, first-person exploration, and top-down construction gameplay. Game mechanics and visuals are deeply inspired by the sciences and sci-fi works, with the development being led by Christian Moe who holds a Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics.
Step into the grav-boots of Eli, a moon mining inventor keeping SARA, an illegal AI, safe from the Verse. Explore and repair Karo Station in orbit of the Empedocles moon in the Aristarchus star system. Utilize moon resources and equipment controlled through the mining console for maintenance and materials to advance Eli’s plans. The story is directed by Kevin Earley, a director/singer/actor that has graced many stages including Broadway thrice over.
Taking place after the episodes, jump onto the surface of the Empedocles moon with some friends. Walk around amongst the massive mining equipment and survive the harsh realities of space. Configure your own vehicles and habitats from hex modules to explore and create your own home amongst the stars.
Core concepts:
Equipment Wear: All equipment and buildings visually wear down and break. Builder rovers automatically construction and maintain equipment with available parts.
Material Science: Materials come in multiple material variants, influencing part durability. Equipment is used to purify silica from regolith and smelt aluminum from alumina. Material types include ceramics, metals, and fluids.
Logistics & Transport: Build expansive factories that span multiple moons, ensuring seamless material transport via haulers, conveyors, trains and more.
Real-time Physics: Experience the intricacies of space with real-time orbital mechanics.
Steam (PC), Consoles under consideration
Tau Ceti Labs
Christian Moe – Developer
Allie Thomas – Artist
Kevin Earley – Story Director
Please feel free to reach out to us for interviews or any additional materials.